See a 15% Return on your Investment Every Year with Diamond Global Sales
Post Date: 02 Sep 2011 Viewed: 600
LONDON, Sept. 1, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Diamond Investment is no longer reserved for those with excesses of cash and has proven to be a worthwhile investment for those with a more modest income. Diamond investors have seen more than a 15% annual return on their investment with Diamond Global Sales and in some cases from 20-25%. This is down to the fact that no new Diamond mines of great significance have been discovered in the past 20 years. It goes without saying that larger diamonds and rarer stones have performed even better with some auctions reporting a 100% increase on their initial valuations.
Diamond Global Sales UK are delighted to announce their offices in London are now open for business and we would like to extend an invitation to you and your colleagues and companions to come and visit us at any time that is convenient to you. We can also be reached via our website, and will be happy to accommodate you in any way possible.
An Investment Grade Diamond represents just 1-2% of the overall diamond market and is classed as a coloured, flawless stone. The quality of these diamonds can vary but never below classification VVS2 providing the colour, clarity, cut and carat are outstanding to exceptional.
With investment opportunities at an all time low, Diamonds are no longer just a girl's best friend. The reality is that any person on a moderate income can benefit from investing in a diamond. Here at Diamond Global Sales, we firmly believe that our affordable investment prices can make a difference to you and yours.
"I can say without a doubt that there has never been a better time to invest in Diamonds, prices are increasing year on year, and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. With no new mines on the horizon, increases of at least 25% can be seen on top quality diamonds, and you can expect 3-4 times that on exceptionally rare stones," says James Grey, Diamond Global Sales Marketing Director.