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Former NFL Kicker Scores with Diamond's Trading Course

Post Date: 15 Sep 2011    Viewed: 584

As an NFL punter in the early 1990s, Kent Sullivan never stopped practicing. That was how he kept on top of his game.

Today he's a trader. Now more than ever, he still wants to stay on top of his game.

That's why he chose to attend the most recent Dick Diamond's Market Mentor Trading Course.

Here's an edited excerpt from an e-mail which Sullivan sent Diamond:

"I truly had a water shed event (eye opening experience and education) coming out to your seminar. I was looking for someone that could be both a mentor and a friend and I think that I have found that in you.

Once I returned [from your seminar], I filled up about 5 pages of notes which I took, went through all the material, and put it in sequence. I saw and learned a lot of nuances which I never would have gotten any other way.

The thing that I like about your system, it is very specific and very direct.

Thanks again for your help and now friendship moving forward."

Kent Sullivan's testimony is similar to many other attendees of Diamond's trading course.*

Dick Diamond is now in his 45th year of trading, He knows how to spot a high-probability trade. He also gladly shares his hard-earned knowledge with his students.

Diamond urges trading students to strike when the iron is hot. He says high-probability trade set-ups come along 3 to 5 times a day, and you must be ready to "pounce."

These trades often start working right away. Sometimes they don't.

So, how can you tell the difference between a trade you should exit, vs. a trade which needs more time?

Isn't that the $64,000,000 question? And that's where Diamond's decades of trading experience really comes in.

Diamond shows you how to handle all kinds of price action: He trades live in the market right in front of you. One thing is for sure: Diamond says that no matter what happens with a trade, a trader himself must be calm. A calm mind makes better trading decisions.

As Kent Sullivan wrote, Diamond's trading system is "very specific." When you know what to do and when to do it -- your trading confidence sky-rockets!

*What other traders say about Diamond's Market Mentor Trading Course:

The trading course from Richard is really the first practical training course I've seen that takes you step-by-step through applying his theory to actually trading the markets...It was worth crossing the Ocean (8000 km) 1000 times. Thanks!"

Patric D. Belgium

"Due to his exceptional teaching skills, I now am very comfortable trading my own account. This seminar was a life-changing event for me!

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