Diamond Giant Alrosa Issues New Statement on Vybornov
Post Date: 25 Jun 2009 Viewed: 709
Diamond giant Alrosa has provided a statement about the June 20 election of a new Alrosa board of directors, without chief executive Sergei Vybornov.
On Tuesday, PolishedPrices reported that Sergei Vybornov has been omitted from the new board of directors, known as the Supervisory Board, according to the diamond company’s announcement posted after the annual general shareholders meeting on June 20.
Diamond miner Alrosa’s spokesman, Yelena Nikifora, provided the following statement. "The largest shareholder of the company in the name of the government of the Russian Federation does not consider necessary the presence of representatives of executive management as a part of the Supervisory Board of Alrosa...
“According to the government decision, the structure of boards of directors of state companies should include professional counselors, diamond miner Alrosa says, and so representatives of the Russian Federation voted for inclusion in the structure of the Supervisory Board of the company of independent directors. The President of Alrosa [the chief executive] in any case participates in the Council work as the head of an executive office of the company.
“As to the election in the structure of the Supervisory Board of Alrosa vice-president Ivan Demyanov, this [was the] decision of the second-largest shareholder, the Government of the Republic of Sakha."
Nikifora added that Vybornov is a member of the presidential delegation, led by President Dmitry Medvedev, which leaves Moscow today for a tour of Africa, with stops in Egypt, Nigeria, Namibia, and Angola.